I shared our ideas here and was incredibly blessed by your willingness to take part. We decided to make small bags of food and toiletries that might be a blessing and a help to someone on the streets. Our family also had a strong desire to serve in some capacity on Christmas Day.
Dozens of people have told me they want to join us for our Christmas Day project, which is nothing short of amazing. I only say that because I know how hard it is to find time in busy holiday schedules to fit in time with family members, let alone go meet a bunch of strangers to serve the homeless, so it's just lump-in-my-throat awesome to me that anyone would join us.
People's willingness to sacrifice their time for others is seriously beautiful. God is so good.
This, folks, is The Plan.
On Christmas Day at 11 am, we will meet at Cesar Chavez Park* to distribute bags of helps, cookies, hot chocolate, and more. RAIN OR SHINE
Cesar Chavez Park is a "hot spot" in the city for our homeless population and will likely have many people in the park and surrounding area. The idea is to set up a simple table with hot chocolate and cookies to hand out, maybe a second one with blankets, bags, coats etc.
Our desire is to do two things, first meet a physical need for comfort and warmth to the best of our ability, and second (actually primarily), to bring blessing and humanity to people who are largely ignored and unloved on a day when they may feel especially so.
I cannot imagine that Christmas is an easy holiday to see pass by on the streets. It is one thing to have your physical needs met, but an entirely other thing to just be joyfully and fully loved. I think we can all come together and do that. I know we can.
Here are the ways YOU can help, should you feel led:
2. Donate, as little or as much as you want. Bring your items to the park or email me (glitterandgrunge at gmail.com) to arrange pick up. No donation is too small!
- cookies (store bought or home baked - we are equal opportunity here)
- hot chocolate packets
- coats (mostly adult sizes, though children's sizes would be fine)
- small (pocket sized) comfort items - stuffed animals or soft toys that could bring comfort to someone on the street. You would be amazed at how child-like (in the best way) some homeless folks are. A small toy to help them remember what I hope to be a happy day for them, could be a huge blessing.
- Dog treats, leashes, collapsible water bowls
- blankets
- homeless care bags
4. If you are willing to lend a table or two, or pop-up tent, it would certainly help!
5. PRAYER. Look, I have no idea how this is going to go. There may just be 40 of my friends and family at Cesar Chavez, singing, eating cookies with no one to serve, or we may find ourselves 10 people strong and overwhelmed by need we aren't prepared for. All I know is God is calling us to do something and we are trusting Him enough to do it. But I am most definitely terrified about how it will all turn out. Like sweaty palms, heartbeat in my eardrums terrified.
6. Spread the word. The end.
My information:
Claire Bone
email: glitterandgrunge @ gmail.com
Chronicles of Claire on Facebook
@Bone_Claire on Twitter
Find me. Message me. Tell me how you can help.
I ask a lot of the people who read this blog, I know that. I am so thankful to all of you. God has blessed me with some pretty fabulous people - friends, family, acquaintances, readers - you are all a gift. I hope I get to see you all over the course of this project!
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